Visit us
No matter what stage in their education your child is at, there’s a lot to take in when deciding the right school for them. We recommend visiting us and taking a tour of our campus to help you make that decision.
How to apply?
Please contact our school office to request an application, we issue applications year round on request.

Rekha Niyas
KG Admission

Priya Sudhakar
Primary Admission

Rehana Fatima
Higher Secondary Admission
Admission policy
At Glazebrooke admission is dependent not only on the level of prior attainment, but also on the pupil’s likely positive contribution to the school community through good behaviour, hard work and enthusiasm, and to the aims, ethos and co-curricular life of the school.
Before offering a place, we need to feel reasonably sure that we will be able to educate prospective pupils in line with their ability and in line with the standards achieved by their class. Everyone admitted to Glazebrooke is expected to try to make the most of all that is on offer during their time at the school.

In addition to the Milestone Assessment, we also take into due consideration the applicant’s age and any other relevant information that may be available. We may need to engage an additional support needs specialist’s expert opinion and parents may be asked to make a financial contribution for this assessment prior to admission being offered. The aim is to conduct admissions on a fair and non‐discriminatory basis. Glazebrooke reserves the right to contact the pupil’s previous school to (a) request a reference and (b) to ensure fees have been paid regularly.
All applicants will be treated fairly and equally regardless of caste, disability, religion or belief (including those with non-religious beliefs).
Covid Backlog
The school is experiencing a high level of need in children due to almost 2yrs of missed education due to Covid-19 pressures. School non-attendance in a high proportion of children has meant children have missed out on reaching their academic milestones in line with their age and stage. Children’s social development has also been impaired due to the lack of socialisation with other children. This has meant that we have been unable to offer admissions to everyone that has applied for a place in our school for the academic year 2022-23. The school is working hard to help plug the gaps in attainment levels in all areas – social, emotional and academic.
Our Founder’s vision was to provide a happy, safe and active environment for children to achieve their potential. We continue to recognise that children also have skills and talents in various areas apart from academics and we aim to help them achieve all-round development: physical, social, emotional and academic. We highly recommend parents to encourage their children to participate in all non-academic pursuits, sports, music, arts and drama. We will be providing access to all of this in the coming year and beyond.
School Fees
For school fee details contact school office.
Work Hard
Hard work is the basis of all success and we want a strong work ethic in pupils and teachers at Glazebrooke. Ambition and excellence are encouraged and are entirely compatible with helping others. We want everyone to be as good as they can be.
Get Involved
We all know that a happy child learns more effectively than an unhappy one. We want everyone working with our children to understand this. There is a very wide range of subjects and activities on offer here at Glazebrooke and teachers are working hard to make lessons interesting, so there is every reason to look forward to coming to school. Involvement and participation in all aspects of school life builds confidence and resilience.
Be Kind
We believe in a positive and generous approach, in collaboration and cooperation, and that leadership is about compassion and service.